Tuesday, September 19, 2006


I have been here before
Flowers in my hand
Gazing in, through the temple door
My heart, a cup of blossoms
Plucked with hope, faith and devotion
As I step on twilight cool temple floor

I have been here many times before
Wishing and praying
Seeking sanctuary – no! More!
My mind, a cup of memories
Stirred aflame, of love’s sublime bliss
As I come to you, my heart, to adore

Bless this pilgrim as before
O sweet Lord Ganesha
She praises your joyous dancing form
Her body, an invocation
Purified, and true, with dedication
To make this pilgrimage once more

Bless this pilgrim once more
O sweet Lord Ganesha
Bless this yearning soul once more
Remove the veil of ignorance
Illuminate all, with your divine vision
Dance, open the door, so I can adore

O my love
Birdsong fills this twilight time
And spring, flush and green
With humming bees drunk on love’s nectar
Remind me of your love sublime

O my lord
Nearby, temple bells chime
As evening falls, I wait
Eager and yearning, but you turn away
Pitiful me, lovelorn at lovers’ time

Come my lord
See this beautiful city
I have built you a shrine
Where lovers’ loving creepers will entwine us
Where our lotus hearts in bliss will blossom
And my soul on wings of joy will fly

My body is my temple
My heart is my shrine
A secret sacred place
To meet you face to face
Then and there you make
My body as thy temple
My heart as thy shrine

Come, this love is waiting
Filled with defenceless longing
This heart, these lips, these limbs
Quench now this quivering soul
With your love supreme

O Bhoga Thyagesha
Uplift me unto you
Hold me close to you
Let lovers two, one become
To taste supreme bliss - anandam

O my lord, pitiless, you turn away
Manmatha’s arrows are aimed my way
Springtime song harsh with cuckoo’s cooing
Springtime breeze heated with lovers’ longing
Make painful and senseless your delay
Come, O my love, take your love away

Hear this padam, O hear this song
Stirred from a loving heart
That has been waiting long:

Yesterday, at twilight
By the bank of the river
I saw her
Face aglow with the light
Of love and desire
Every gesture
Love’s pleasure.
Who was she?

O handsome lord of my life
Beautiful Kanda, peacock rider
There you were
You and her, side by side
Drinking from one another
Sweet pleasure
From eyes filled
With love’s desire

Hear this song, O hear this song:
I watched and I watched
Reminded of a time not so long
When you and I were so caught
In love’s divine embrace
Sweet soft words you spoke
Charmed my heart to race
And into your arms you took
Me… Eager for you
Eager to be held against you

O beautiful Kanda, peacock rider
There you were
As once we were
Held together
As divine lovers
To fulfill love’s desire

O beautiful Kanda, peacock rider
There you were
As once we were
Come now hither
To fulfill
And remove love’s desire

Come, little Krishna, on your darling little feet
your little feet adorned with twinkling anklets sweet
come bully me

stamp, little Krishna, stamp your darling little feet
plead with your eyes and pouting lips so sweet
and beg buttermilk of mother Yashoda
giving in, her eyes were filled with tears of endearment
looking on, heaven and earth were filled with astonishment
ornaments tinkling, the whole world would sing
stamp your feet, fill the world with praising

come, little Krishna, on your darling little feet
your little feet adorned with twinkling anklets sweet
dance on crafty, cruel Kaliye, with your dancing little feet
crush the crawling Kaliye with your divine dancing feat
jump on his head, stamp on his ego, subdue the snake
and beautiful and pure Yamuna once more make

come darling little Krishna on darling little feet
your wondrous stamping and dancing please repeat

[written for Daisygarani and Shangita Namasivayam Sep 2006]

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