Wednesday, July 04, 2007


golden radiant gowri
goddess of grace and power,
ashen pale ishvara
god omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent.

girija, parvathi, devi, tripurasundari,
glorious beauty incarnate,
mother of the universe,
compassion infinite

shiva, pasupathi, mahadev, trinetra,
tapas incarnate,
consciousness supreme,
eternal, infinite

shakti and shiva,
parvathi and shankara,
cosmic inseparables,
kaameshvari and kaameshvara

They are the divine couple, the cosmic duo,
of power patent and latent, of truth and beauty,
effulgent as a million suns
Their eternal dance of love and joy gives form to the universe
Their every movement gives life to life
Their every word gives meaning to things
Their every smile and glance the source of all beauty

Let us contemplate on Gowrishvara,
the cosmic energy of yin and yang
Let us meditate on Gowrishvara,
the cosmic duality that embraces the universe
Let us praise Gowrishvara,
the beginning and the end of all things
At whose feet, total surrender brings infinite grace

(intro to shivaanjali – add a sfx here: mrdangam / bell / conch)

Hark! Even as we join our palms in prayer to invoke Lord Shiva, the beloved of Shakti, Gangadharo, he who holds the Ganga in his matted locks, Sashidhara, he who ornaments his hair with the crescent moon, the celestials and the sages cry out “Hara hara shiva shiva” with joy… for they behold the cosmic dance of the great lord, his ananda tandava, which is the very life vibration of the universe… and they thrill with bliss watching the lord dance to the reverberating drums of nandi. “Hara hara shiva shiva”, He, from whom everything evolves, around whom everything revolves… and in whom, everything dissolves. “Hara hara shiva shiva”, the sages cry out as they join their palms in anjali, and with their minds and hearts in total surrender, utter “shivaanjali”…

Om Iym Hreem Shreem.
O Goddess Absolute,
mother divine,
supreme embodiment
of power,
wisdom, and
grant us the bliss
of your nourishing form.
Source of infinite compassion
and nourishment, O goddess,
you are the very fountainhead
of spiritual bliss anandam.
You are shive shivey,
you are the grace
and the power
that activate Shiva himself.
Grant me your loving darshan.
Are you not the loving mother
of Ganesha,
the elephant headed god,
remover of obstacles,
embodiment of knowledge?
Are you not the admiring mother
of Subrahmanya,
the god of beauty incarnate,
bearer of the shakti vel
of wisdom and transcendent knowledge?
O mother,
I have surrendered myself at your lotus feet.
Amma ananda dayini,
compassionate mother of divine bliss…

Truth, Grace and Beauty. Satyam shivam sundaram. O, my soul longs for the vision of my lord. Will he not reward my painful yearning with the beauty of his marvelous form, the grace of his divine presence, and the truth of his all-knowingness?

I behold him in my mind, hold him close in my heart, but must still paint a picture of him, to relish him with my eyes. My friends remark about his unkempt hair and garments… alas, they do not see the shining crescent moon in his matted locks nor the elephant and tiger skins that symbolize his valour and prowess. To me, he is handsomer than a thousand manmathas. What do they know?

O how I long for a vision of my beautiful Lord Shiva, he who danced his ananda tandava so majestically in the golden hall of Thillai. His many dancing forms adorn temple pillars, and seeing this, I am filled with the wonderment of his power and his glory, longing once again for a vision of him. The sages say that he is transcendence and immeasurable brilliance, and with the moon and the river in his hair, he dances in the sacred hall of thillai… praises and worship offered at his feet blossom into grace…

O, will my lord grant me a vision of his amazing form – that of him and a woman hidden in him? Lovingly, he gave one half of himself to his other half, and in doing so, reconciles all contradictions, embracing duality and infinite multiplicity all at once in his divine oneness.

Compassionately, he saved the world from absolute destruction - he drank the poison that was churned out from the ocean by the gods and asuras. The goddess Parvathi held his throat to prevent him from swallowing it, and his neck turned blue. Such is his compassion, and such is her love for him. O, I would have done the same as the goddess… if only I could have my lord with me.

My love is not hopeless and I will make no secret of it! My lord has come to me in my dreams, professed his deep love for me, and will come to take my hand in his. And yet, I have been longing for a vision of his beautiful form, to bask in his radiant presence, and to taste the truth of his love. Separated from him, pining for him, I waste away, unable to bear this painful yearning. But I know my love is not hopeless: let the sky shatter and fall, let the earth quake and tremble, I will not forget my loving lord Shiva, I will not give up on my love for my lord. For I behold him in my mind, hold him close in my heart.

O golden gowri, goddess parashakti.
Shivashankari, maheshwari…
mashishasura mardhini.
O supreme goddess, maheshwari, supreme cosmic energy…
shower your blessings upon this humble devotee…
The devas and asuras worship your divine lotus feet eternally
And I, I place myself at your feet so you will protect me
Just as you have slain the demon mahishasura
Bless me, O lion-riding warrior goddess durga
Slay the demon-ego in me…
And set me free…

GOWRI ISHVARA shakti shiva
gowri shakti shiva ishvara
gowri gowri shiva shiva
GOWRI kaameshvari
ISHVARA kaameshvara
Man in woman, woman in man
Behold the cosmic energy of yin and yang
Paradoxical perfection
Behold the cosmic duality both in one
The two who hold the universe in ONE embrace
The two-in-one whose very form is divine grace
O Ardhanarishvara, on you we contemplate
O Ardhanarishvara, on you we meditate
O Ardhanarishvara, let us sing in praise
As we bow in total surrender beseeching your grace

O sacred lord of sacred Chidambaram
Show me your sacred dance, give me your darshan
I hear the words of the sacred saint thirumoolar
And I yearn to see your form, searching for where you are
He said you are everywhere, your dance is here, is there
He said Chidambaram is right here, right now, if you are aware
He said your marvelous dance is in that temple on earth
He said your marvelous dance is in the shrine within the heart
O sacred lord of sacred Chidambaram
Give me a vision of your sacred dance
Enter my secret sacred heart space within

[written for ajith bhaskaran dass: his production of GOWRISHVARA in kuala lumpur, 14th july 2007]

Friday, November 03, 2006


If only I could do without you
Then my life would be easier
Breathing would have no pain

My tears would stop falling
My heart would cease aching

It's all or nothing for me
Can't know you and not have you

If only I could do without you

[written for a song composed by Jyotsna. Presented 2nd November 2006 - Inside Out at Bukit Tunku, Kuala Lumpur for Zed & Shelaila Cama]

Monday, October 16, 2006


Let us praise you
Let us worship you
Let us meditate upon you

You who rests in greatness
Beneath the wish fulfilling tree
Kalpa vrksha
You the darling child
Of goddess Uma
You who removes all obstacles
From our path
You with your single tusk
Of single mindedness

O Vignaraja
Elephant headed god
Of supreme intelligence
Let us praise you
Let us worship you
Let us meditate upon you
Let us rejoice
In your eternal radiance

[written for Geetha as the opening piece for QUINTESSENCE performed in Jan 2006 at TFA]

Monday, October 09, 2006


Feel no sorrow, have no fear
On your radiant cheeks no tear
Should fall
All I know is the Lord is near
When you’re beside me here
That is all

I see the light on your face, Mira,
It shines like the moon from afar
I see the light in your eyes, my dear
It comes from yonder star

Feel no sorrow, have no fear
On your radiant cheeks no tear
Should fall…

[Excerpt from MIRA, The Nightingale of Brindavan.
Full script at]

Krishna, my love, today I go to another
Knowing it’s you I love and no other
Smile or sleep, how should I be
With this man whose bride I am to be
Knowing it’s you I love and no other
Knowing it’s only you for me…
It’s a vow I’ve made long before
To give my heart once and for all
Knowing it’s you I love and no other
Knowing it’s only you for me…

Today I give you my hand, my lord
But my heart is already with another
It’s a vow I’ve made long before
To give my heart once and for all
The lord of Mathura is my lord
The lord of love is my love
And loving, I have lost my heart
To him…

[Excerpt from MIRA, The Nightingale of Brindavan. Full script at]

White clouds sail across the sky but no birds want to fly
The stream has been laughing but friends must say goodbye

Autumn leaves fall in sorrow; falling to winter’s coming
The earth sleeps silent, waiting to greet the smile of spring

The bamboo seeks the sky; sets its hopes so high
The willow bends and sighs, only the river hears it cry

The wind knows the bamboo, softly its praises whistling
The river hears the willow, gurgles to its sighing

Two scholars searching the path to knowledge…
Two friends bowing to each other with deep affinity… three autumns…

Three autumns: each one lovelier than the last.
Under the moon, we set brush to paper,
composed poems to windsong and zither,
raised cups together as friends and brothers.

Too soon the years have flown…
we’ve filled our hearts with laughter,
forgetting that this day will come…
now duty has come calling, and return you must…

Too deep our affection has grown…
and now parting brings us sorrow,
wishing there should be no tomorrow.

[Excerpt from LIANG ZHU. Full script at]

Sunday, October 08, 2006

A solitary figure I am
Set on a journey – who knows where
Cool earth neath my feet
The wind whispers – who knows what
Stars on the canvas of night
Eloquent silence – there, everywhere
The full moon unveils itself
And my heart is full. Filled.

Saturday, October 07, 2006


Raging river merging sea
Raging river merging sea

Raging river restless river
Rolling rumbling tumbling
Falling roiling broiling

Rushing river screaming river
Rushing crashing thrashing

Soundless… seeking…
sea or sky
Restless… crushing…
do or die
Rushing river rocks and rapids
Blocks, locks, mock… mock at it

Raging fury fighting flying falling
falling river losing slowing flowing
slowing river flowing…
flowing surrendering…
to the sea…
see… the sea

See the sea…

Come as cloud
soft and lofty
Watching... waiting...
Whispering wind...
whispering rain...

Whispering sea or sky…
Come, swim and fly

See the sea…
See the sea…

Come as cloud soft and lofty
Guiding goading pulling pushing
Loving holding loving soothing

Until restless running river comes to merging sea
Until restless running river rests in merging sea

Raging river merging sea

[written for Umesh and Dhanya for their performance on Guru Purnima for Swamiji]

Thursday, September 28, 2006


A musical narrative with character voices and chorus
[written for Jyotsna 2005. Performed in Svaradhara in Dec 2005]

1. BRINDAVAN, on a calm and fine day. MUSIC IN.

Ssss… Ssss… Shhh…. Shhhh
Slowly and surely I make my slippery journey…
Of my slithering serpentine self to that…
Fabulous fragrant abode of joy

Calmly carefully I crawl cravenly
Surreptitiously superstitiously to that…
Fabulous playground of that Krishna boy!

For I have heard…
It’s a place of plenty
of pleasure and leisure
Of bliss so divine… it’s absurd
For I have heard…
That Krishna is a morsel
so sweet so plump so yum
Not to go… would be absurd

Calmly carefully Kaliye, that’s me,
Kaliye slithers surrep-superstitiously
To that sweet, plump, yum, fun playground
Of that… of Kaliye’s Krishna boy


(Laughter song) Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
HARI! Hari Krishna Hari Krishna Krishna Krishna Hari Hari

Gopa 1:
C’mon guys
While our cows graze away
With Krishna we must play

Gopa 2:
Under a tree he’s fast asleep
It’s time for… hide and seek

Gopas sing Laughter Song

Gopa 3:
With Krishna we love to stay all day
Listen to his flute, while the time away

Gopa 4:
Under the sky life is sweet
Krishna makes everything complete

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Let’s hide let’s hide
Hee hee hee hee hee hee
He’ll seek he will seek


Mmmmm… shlurp! I hear voishes I shmell food
My tonguesh’ shlurping… Oooo… it’sh sho good

With Krishna we love to stay all day

Kaliye – today’sh your day

With Krishna we must play

The sweet dumpling’sh coming your way… (music crescendo)

Gopa 1:
Who are you…?


Gopa 2:


Gopa 3:
Who are you looking for?


Gopa 4:
You’re a snake!

I know… is that bad?

Gopa 5:
You’re beautiful!

Thank you!

Gopa 6:
You’re so long!

You’re so cute!

Gopa 7:
You’re so colourful!

And magical… mmmmmmm (bewitching music)

Gopas 2, 3, 4 & 5:


Gopa 1:
He’s blue, he’s green, now he’s red and purple

Gopa 6:
He’s got rubies and diamonds…

Look! Look at my eyes… (bewitching music)

Gopas 4, 5, 6, & 7:

Gopa 1:
You are fabulous

Gopa 2:
You are phenomenal!

But hungry

Gopa 3:
You are always changing

Gopa 4:
You are enchanting

But hungry

Gopa 5:
You are Kaliya, what can we give you?

Something to eat… something, someone
You’re so cute and juicy, can I eat you?
Just kidding, kids, actually I’m vegetarian.
I’m on a fast…. Look in my mouth
Aaahhh!…. it’s clean, haven’t had anything substantial for years…
See!… aaaaah!

Gopa 1:
Open your mouth bigger…

Sure!… aaaah!

Gopas 2, 3, 4:
What a big mouth!
It’s like a cave
Oh look!, he’s got shining jewels for teeth

Yaa, step right in for a closeup inspection
Free admission
Step right in and be sure… be my guest!
Aaaah!… kamawn dawn we shy!

Gopas 3, 4, 5 & 6
Let’s go in and have a look
Let’s go in
Let’s have a look
Let’s hide here
Krishna won’t find us here
Let’s hide here
Krishna won’t know where to look
Let’s wait for Krishna





Can I be the first?

Ooooo… sure… but why deny your friends the pleasure
I’ve got so many heads, let each one enter whichever head
He wants…. Hmmm

No, Kaliye…

Mmmm OK

I’m going in…

I’m waiting…


Gopas, separately and together:
He closed his mouth!
He’s got Krishna in his mouth!
Kaliya, spit him out

Mmmmm? (laughing) Hmhm hm hm!!!

Gopas, as before:
Spit him out
Give him out
You’re a lout
Give him out or
We’ll beat the daylights out…



Gopas, as before:
He’s opened his mouth
Krishna’s coming out…

Aaaoooowwww! Why you….!

Why you dirty, lying slippery evil thief of a snake
A juicy yummy meal of us you want to make…

Why you… who are you calling a snake?
You pulled out my teeth, you’ve given me a splitting headache!

You came pretending to be friends with us
You actually wanted to make an end of us…

Slowly and surely
I have made my slippery journey
of my slithering serpentine self
To this fabulous fragrant abode of joy
For I have heard
of this place of plenty
Of pleasure and leisure
Of Krishna so divine… it’s absurd!

Music up in tempo excitement to show the face off between Krishna and Kaliye. Kaliye pounces on Krishna powerfully and swirls and twirls, creating a strong current in the river, and secures Krishna within his coils. His numerous heads gather one by one around the struggling Krishna, and are glaring at him with hate and venom. Just as Kaliye is about to strike, Krishna gives him a hard kick, and jumps onto Kaliye’s head/heads. He begins to dance. His dancing feet pummel Kaliye with great force, and the amazing feat of a dance as a form of attack is a wondrous sight. Kaliye is unable to withstand the terrible and terrific blows from the divine child. He finally gives up the fight. [a full orchestration of this segment should bring out the joy, power, excitement of Krishna’s feat.]

Mercy! Mercy! Mercy!
Let me be, release me
O child of wonder and light
Have mercy on me
Forgive my impunity
Forgive my audacity
Please, have pity on me!

O beautiful Kaliye
A monster you have become
You have grown covetous and cruel
Greedy and insatiable
Can it be that I should let you live
And once again let the world tremble at your name?
Or should I now kick your brains in
And you will never crawl the earth ever again?

O Krishna, divine lord, supreme being
Let me live, let me live!
You are divine, you can forgive!
Let me live and sing your name
In yonder place where none can be harmed by me
Let me sing your glories
Let me sing of your glorious feet
That danced on my head
Let me live so I can sing of Hari!

Live, Kaliye…

O Hari Krishna Hari Krishna Krishna Krishna Hari Hari

Hari Krishna Hari Krishna Krishna Krishna Hari Hari

All together:
Hari Krishna Hari Krishna Krishna Krishna Hari Hari